Persuasive Essay On Birth Control

2553 Words11 Pages

Chloe S. Clayton
Mrs. Huang
Persuasive research essay
17 April 2023
Why Birth Control is to be Insured Usually teenage girls get put on birth control around age 16, I started it at the age of 12 due to acne. Twelve is a really early age but I was struggling mentally because of my acne and when my mom and I brought this up to my doctor she gave us a couple options, one being birth control. For 5 years now, I have taken a daily pill and I would never go back. I did have to try a couple different brands for the first year because my acne was not fully clearing up but we found one that perfectly balanced out my body. My periods are exactly the same, I always know when I am going to start my period, and I get cramps very rarely. My acne has completely …show more content…

Birth control is a way for women to control parts of their body that they were forced to have. Females are forced to have a period every month that causes pain and suffering. Women did not choose what they were given but have learned to accept it. Birth control gives women a chance to help themselves and their body. Females can have sexual intercourse while having less fear of pregnancy and balance and regulate their bodies. “ Many Americans who generally supported birth control hated the pill. They argued that it would encourage women to have sex outside of marriage, which would disrupt the stability of American life. Feminist activists celebrated the pill for the very same reason. They saw it as a tool for women’s liberation from domesticity and gender inequality” (Boomer). Everyone has different views but millions of women across the world praise birth control and its affects. Women have struggled for years trying to get different rights. Birth control is a right for a women’s body. Birth control is equivalent to any other beneficial medication prescribed by a doctor that is normally covered by insurance. Why is birth control seen any different? Women do not understand why policies already set in place are now being questioned. If birth control has not been helpful to anyone then there is a whole different argument, but that is not the case. Men and women are supposed to be equal and there is no doubt that if this where a medication for men, it would be covered by insurance no argument. “Though men have an equal responsibility to prevent unwanted pregnancies, they don’t share equally in the consequences, and never have” (Beck). Women’s suffrage has lasted far too long to be going backwards. Roe Vs Wade has brought so much pain and frustration, birth control does not have to go through that as well. Birth control helps women so it