Bottled Water Essay

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Hey, got a minute? Not many people do. Experience and observation shows a lack of self-preservation by denying oneself of basic needs (Biali). With today 's harried lifestyle, convenient resources are a must. Bottled water consumption is on the rise, quickly becoming the epitome of convenience. According to Beverage Industry, "In 2015, total U.S. bottled water consumption grew by 7.9 percent to 11.7 billion gallons, up from 10.87 billion gallons in 2014" (“Bottled Water Sees Accelerated Growth, Consumption”). The benefits of bottled water outweigh the benefits of tap water because of bottled water 's convenience, cleanliness, and healthfulness. Bottled water is convenient in multiple ways. Versatility allows water consumption …show more content…

While it is true environmental concerns are an issue, the bottled water industry is not to blame. “Bottled water’s environmental footprint is the lowest of any packaged beverage. In fact, all containers are 100% recyclable and many companies are already using recycled plastic bottles" (“Bottled Water Sees Accelerated Growth, Consumption”). Instead of demonizing the bottled water industry over litter and plastic-laden landfills, perhaps, directing the touts toward lax recycling efforts will bring about progress (Cullen). What it all boils down to is bottled water is a well utilized resource that many are tapping into, whether it is for the convenience, the cleanliness, or the healthfulness bottled water provides. Some people prefer to drink from a bottled rather than the tap because of convenience. Other people, do not have the luxury of clean water spewing from the tap and turn to bottled water as a clean and healthy water source. Water is a most basic need and whether people are drinking from a bottle by preference or a way of life, bottled water is