Persuasive Essay On Buying A Mattress

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How do one get a good sleep about which everyone craves for? There are many factors that effect a good sleep like sleeping time, hunger, body, temperature etc. However, one of the reason of getting a good sleep is in a good mattress that you use. The basic necessity for a right and perfect sleep is a perfect mattress that would comfort your body, mind and soul. Mattress are consider as the key factor for a perfect slumber. Not sure how many of you will agree to it, but this is absolutely true and proven. If you are well aware of the mattress that wearing off in your house and you have decided to buy a brand new mattress, are you really sure of which to buy so that it suits your comfort and is within your budget? The answer is probably no, because many people feel and buy the mattress without enquiring further. There are many types of mattresses that are available in the market that would get you a comfortable sleep. Buying a good mattress is buying some slumbers for yourself because it indeed matters much. Whenever you lay down to sleep, your heels, buttocks, back, shoulders and head have to be comfortably aligned and this phenomenon can only be made by the bed. Thus you should consider buying a bed that would wake you up active the next morning and not achy. The most demanded beds are of two types, one being the …show more content…

There is an eco-friendly type which does not use any chemicals for its product and the second one being the synthetic latex which needs chemical treatment. These two types can be manufactured in two different ways, one being the Dunlop method which is widely in practice and it is less expensive and the other one is the Talalay method which involves additional steps and is expensive for manufacturing. Currently the Dunlop method is widely in use because you can manufacture both the types of mattress easily and in an affordable

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