Persuasive Essay On Candide

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In Candide by Voltaire, Candide was always blind sided by the world beyond the castle and the harsh, but true events that occurred outside of the bubble he was living in. Ideas from a well trusted role model of Candide, Pangloss, told him to live life thinking that everything happens for a reason. Some people do live with this mind set, but for all bad situations is there really something good that always comes out of it? Today’s society is a world where sometimes it is not safe because of terrorists, where women are objectified, and people have a screen to hide behind where endless bullying occurs. If Candide were to take place in a modern setting, he would be able to see much more clear how everything does not happen for a reason. When …show more content…

In Candide the old lady was torn apart so much to the point where suicide was contemplated. In 2017, plenty of people are driven to the point of taking their lives. When Candide meets the old lady he is confused as to why she would want to kill herself because life is happy and everything in the world is meant to be good. “I’ve wanted to kill myself a hundred times, but I still love life. That ridiculous weakness is perhaps one of our most pernicious inclinations. What could be more stupid than to persist in carrying a burden that we constantly want to cast off, hold our existence in horror…” (Voltaire, 45). In an article about a girl who committed suicide because of bullying from CBS, it describes to cruel bullying kids did towards her online, ““They would make dating websites of her, and they would put her number and they would put her picture (on the sites), and lie about her age and say she is giving herself up for sex for free, to call her,” (“Cyberbullying”) If Candide were to witness the types of bullying today, he would see how inhumane kids can be with the power of a couple of buttons. No good comes out of one kid driving another to the point of