Argumentative Essay On Car Insurance

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Over the past year, motorists everywhere have been hit hard in the wallet by the rising costs associated with their cars, and it’s not just about their insurance. (-- removed HTML --) Petrol and gas prices are rising (-- removed HTML --) alongside the cost of car insurance premiums. Many people try to get around the rising insurance costs by shopping around, but the number of websites out there that can give you a car insurance quote is rising, which can make it more confusing! Car insurance premiums, no matter how high or low, can sometimes make sense. Don’t worry, we’re not sticking up for the extortionate costs of some insurance companies, but people who live in places with statistically higher (-- removed HTML --) car crime (-- removed HTML --) are more likely to pay a higher insurance cost as there is more of a risk. If your car is a more expensive model, you are also likely to find yourself paying a higher insurance premium to account for the higher cost of the car. Insurance companies work out everything, from whether your profession makes you more or less likely to one day need the services of an (-- removed HTML --) accident lawyer (-- removed HTML --) , to whether your star sign can make a difference to your criminal record and thus be more likely to cause a crash. These statistics may seem ridiculous to most, but the trends that have been studied over the years has determined some of those statistics to be true. What it means, however, is that your insurance cost can climb based on your job title, gender and job as well as where you park your car. …show more content…

Car insurance providers don’t have to have it all their own way with high insurance costs. There are things that you can do to keep your car insurance premiums right down. So, how can you do that? How can you ensure you don’t get overcharged for the same car insurance as everyone else? We’ve got some secrets for you below to help your wallet and squash down those monthly