Persuasive Essay On Concussions

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Young soccer players should not be able to head butt a ball because they can get a concussion that will affect them in their older days in life. I believe that young players should not head butt a ball because their brains are not developed yet. Head butting balls and concussions can affect their lives after they stop playing soccer. Head butting a ball in soccer can also cause damage to their necks and head. Young players with undeveloped brain can cause major or permanent brain damage. In the article “ Does Heading a Soccer Ball Cause Brain Damage?,” Annie Sneed writes, “Excessive shaking of the brain- excessive sub concussive and concussive trauma- can lead to a cognitive symptoms, including memory problems as well as behavior and mood …show more content…

In the article “Concussions: How they Can Affect You Now and Later” written by Office of Public Affairs, they say, “At some level, concussions result in a brain injury, so we’re certainly worried about the accumulative affects of concussions.” Some scientists from reading the article say that only people could get a concussion that affect their lives if there is excessive brain damage on the person. Enough damage or a lot of concussions to the brain can affect the brain as a player stops playing or is still playing soccer or a sport that involves the head. Long term concussions will last only about 6 weeks so the probability of a person having concussion affect their lives is very …show more content…

In the article, “Top U.S. Dr Says `heading` Doesn’t Cause Concussions” the Doctor, Dr. George Chiampas says, “ currently across all sports, football, hockey, headgear has not shown to prevent a concussion.” The Doctor is saying that in sports that wear gears in order to prevent concussions that gear does not work for it. There are still concussions even though other sports wear gears in order to prevent it from happening. He believes that the young players should head butt a ball because it is not the balls fault and is the player’s fault for not knowing how to do