Persuasive Essay On Concussions

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Over the years, football has grown to become one of America’s favorite past-time. Young boys begin playing on their neighborhood recreational teams, leading into feeder teams for their local high schools; Next, fulfilling their dreams of starting on the college varsity team, and finally making it onto the National Football League (NFL) team they have been watching with their fathers since before they could walk. Sons of former NFL players dream of continuing in their fathers’ footsteps, but as more statistics are beginning to prove, should these former players and now fathers allow their sons to participate in a sport which potentially puts their lives at risk every time they step onto the field? Despite much controversy, these new studies …show more content…

A concussion is defined as “a temporary unconsciousness caused by a blow to the head; an injury to the head that jars or shakes the brain inside the skull”(Lava, Neil). Concussions are grouped into three classes: grade one being mild, grade two being moderate, and grade three being severe. Symptoms can range anywhere from confusion and headaches to personality changes and suicidal tendencies (Lava, Neil). In football, 90% of high school football concussions result from player to player contact (Calkins, Kendrick). In 2014 alone, 202 concussions were diagnosed in the NFL within the pre-season to in season (Murry, Nelson). The major problem with this number is its inaccuracy. The majority of concussions go undiagnosed because of one or two reasons: the athlete does not want to seem weak so continues to play, or the athlete is not educated enough about the symptoms and side-effects of concussions. Despite common belief, many concussions can result from an impact without unconsciousness. For instance, Kyle Kurley explained, “I had only two diagnosed concussions, but knowing now what a concussion is, I had multiple every season”(Newsday). NFL players continue to play despite the risk of repeated concussions, most of the time because they feel as if they will always be able to get back up from the tackle; athletes are not looking ahead into their future