Persuasive Essay On Contact Sports

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Mason Shelly
English 12 3rd period
3 April 2023

Why contact sports should be in highschool

There is a big controversy about if contact sports should be in high school. The football draft has just ended and the season is coming. And even if it doesn't look like it now, summer is almost here. All of this means that children are and will enjoy getting out and participating in organized contact sports. But what about the risk of concussion or other injuries? While the risk of injury will always exist in contact sports, sports also have numerous benefits.
In addition, a lot of progress has been made in awareness and today families and coaches have a better understanding of the signs and symptoms of concussion. Many experts agree that …show more content…

Furthermore, injuries in contact sports are more than just concussions and fractures. Children who participate in contact sports are just as likely to suffer a heatstroke or burnout injury as children who play soccer or volleyball. So you cannot blame injuries in contact sports on the sports themselves, as some injuries can happen anywhere. You might even slip and break your arm. Injuries don't just happen in contact sports.
In addition, people who play contact sports or any sport related to that are subject to a calculated risk of injury while playing. Most sports are played with some kind of physical activity and skill, and some also involve some kind of physical contact. But lately, there has been a lot of social tension about whether to continue playing these types of contact sports, as medical research has shown that contact sports are harmful to the human body. But I believe these contact sports should not be banned.
Contact sports like soccer aren't even the most dangerous sports to play. Most studies have shown that the three most dangerous sports in America are not even contacting sports! Horseback riding and cheerleading are two sports that are virtually collision-free and have resulted in many deaths.
Football and rugby are by far the most popular contact sports in the world and I think children interested in these sports should be encouraged to start playing them from primary …show more content…

These are teamwork, respect, fun, discipline, and sport It is the value of manship that ultimately makes the game special for those who enjoy the environment and culture they create. In these sports, respect is earned by the behavior and performance of the participants. Because participants acknowledge the rush and know that luck or ‘‘judgment‘‘ is not the real reason for success. In conclusion, dangerous sports should not be banned. Injuries don't happen every time, and fortunately, players are rewarded without injury. Also, everyone has the right to exercise whenever they