Persuasive Essay On Credit Card In School

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Have you ever been scared of carrying cash with you today? There are tons of news about criminals snatching your purse or making off your money. At school, we, students, are in safer environment but have you still lost your money? There is at least one time that we have been in sorrow for that whatever the reason is. Perhaps, we are too irresponsible or someone lifts ours. Don’t you think that we should find a prevention? I suggest that the school use credit card system to solve these problems.

The school can set up school credit card system where parents need to top up money into their children’s account. When we make any purchase at school with our own school credit card, each transaction that occurs will appear in the system and report …show more content…

There will be no change when we buying things and decrease waiting time, which saves a lot of time in purchasing and reducing the weight of our pocket. More importantly, we can reduce the problems of losing money. It is so common that young students can be too careless and lose their pocket money or sometimes we face the problem of stealing at school. From now on, if the card which also includes our photo there is used, it will be much safer. No one would be able to use our card if we lost it because the school staff can check our identity from our photo on the card. With city’s busy life today, isn’t it better if we could have more time to do other things or go home more quickly?

Some of us might be afraid that we have to present school’s statement to parents. However, if we do not splurge, and literally there are not many lavish goods to be shopped at school, it is not going to be a big problem. Optimistically, it is a good opportunity that we have an outside reality lesson which instructs us on how to manage our money in order to make sure that it is sufficient during a week. In the future, we cannot deny the fact that we will have to make money and manage it efficiently so why don’t we start practicing