The Importance Of Changing Diapers

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Changing Your Baby’s Diaper If you are a first time parent, chances are you will experience your many “firsts” when it comes to child care. These stuffs or chores could be familiar to you or you are already knowledgeable about it. These things could be easier for you if you have small children at home but if not, they could be quite challenging. One of the most common things you will do aside from feeding the baby is to change diapers. Soiled diapers can ruin a child’s good night sleep. It can also cause him rashes if not changed regularly. What to Do? Whether you are a newbie or a pro in changing diapers, your baby will still give you a lot of practice. The common mistake here is putting the diaper lopsided or backward but we know you’ll get better in time. …show more content…

1. Gather all your supplies such as wet wipes, fresh diapers, cloth, rash creams, and warm water or cotton balls. Never leave the baby unattended so make sure to have everything at hand. 2. …show more content…

Ensure that your hands are clean. Lie the baby down in a flat surface and always keep your one hand on his legs so she won’t roll off. 3. Some diapers have an indicator of “wetness”. This line is usually yellow in color when dry. Once the line turned blue, that is the time to change your baby’s diaper. 4. Hold the baby’s legs and slightly lift him up so you undo the dirty diaper and clean his or her genitals. Just don’t remove the dirty diaper yet while you are cleaning him. 5. Use mild soap or baby wash and water to clean him if he pooped but if not, baby wipes will