
Persuasive Essay On Drinking And Driving

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Several incidents occur each year is associated with drunk driving and the majority of these incidents take place because of drunken teenagers. Alcohol can be a very poisonous substance when someone chooses to drink too much of it, and the world’s modern day teens do not fully understand the consequences that come with abusing alcohol. Liquor can cause the mind to play tricks on a human being and contribute to making bad decisions such as choosing to drive while under the influence of alcohol. Parents should inform their teenagers of the consequences that come with the choice to drink and drive; however, there are ways that these bad decisions are avoidable. Parents should be aware of all the possibilities and options that are available to help prevent their teens from choosing to drink and drive. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention provides a parent teen agreement that states the teen will make responsible decisions or their license will be provoked for a certain amount of time. “Every 15 minutes a teenager will die due to drunk driving” (“Teenage Drunk Driving Facts” 1). This contract should provide a sense of security to parents of young teens because most adults, that have experienced or …show more content…

For instance, when a teen decides to get behind the wheel when under the influence, this breathalyzer technology shuts the vehicle off completely when the smell of alcohol on their breath passes the percentile of 0.02 percent. On the other hand, if the teenager chooses to have a sober friend or family member drive them home then the car with start and are accessible as long as the driver has a BAC (Blood Alcohol Content) under 0.02 percent. Technology can be helpful in time of need; truthfully, parents should make their teens aware of the personal and legal consequences of choosing to drink and

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