Argumentative Essay: Freedom Of Religion In Public Schools

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Freedom of religion is one of the most controversial topics in America today. Religion in the public square should be allowed. Freedom of Religion is a right that Americans have, so people can worship where and how they please. Many feel it is okay to practice your religion in public, while others feel it may offend other people practicing a different religion. Some countries have state sponsered religions, but here in the US most claim to be Christian. Even with most claiming to be Christian there are serveral denominations inside the Christian unbrella. That’s not to mention the Jewish faith, Muslim faith, and Native Americans spiritual faith. With that being said prayer in the workplace becomes very difficult because it’s hard to not offend someone. Church and State in the United States should be separate. The government should not be allowed to say what a preacher can or can not preach. "The doctrine of separation between church and state has been abused, twisted, and taken out of context in recent court decisions in order to prevent the public worship and acknowledgement of God.”, as stated in Arkansas …show more content…

No matter where you are in the United States religion in schools will always be an issue. Once school districts allow religion to be in schools there will ne following arguments that will occur. A major problem being that you can not just allow one religion. Christianity can not be the only religion you allow. Different religions practice there religions differently. Witht that being said when someone sees a student practicing something other than Christianity, which it is bound to happen, everyone in the community will start more arguments. “This ever-growing pluralism challenges the public schools and the higher-education system to deal creatively and sensitively with students professing a variety of religions (or, as the case may be, no religion at all).”, states Arkansas Traveler