Persuasive Essay On Gray Wolves

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Issue Whether or not to list the gray wolf in Wyoming on the endangered species list has been and still is a debated topic because of the species close proximity to the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem (Fig.1). The government of the State of Wyoming, one of the stakeholders in the debate, believes that state legislation successfully protects the species from being endangered without federal intervention. Contradictorily, the Center for Biological Diversity, Defenders of Wildlife, Fund for Animals, Humane Society of the United States, Natural Resources Defense Council, and Sierra Club (“Defenders of Wildlife, et al.”), all opposing stakeholders in the debate, believe the state legislation threatens the Wyoming population of gray wolves and needs federal intervention. The United States Fish and Wildlife Service (“USFWS”) has changed sides multiple times on the matter but is aiming to remove the species from …show more content…

It does not mean that the species is endangered, threatened, or not endangered, but after the USFWS deems it acceptable, the species will most likely be delisted. The populations in Montana and Idaho, on the other hand, have been delisted due to recovery (United States Fish and Wildlife Service, 2016b). A large reason why the Northern Rocky Mountain gray wolves are still listed in Wyoming and not the other Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem states is due to management policy. For example, Montana’s management policy is one which is extensive and involves citizen-cooperation, and has been approved by the USFWS (Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks, 2016). Wyoming’s only management plan is one of shoot on site in many areas of the state outside of the park (Bergstrom et al., 2009). This undoubtedly will result in the endangerment of the distinct population segment and it violates article 16 U.S.C. § 1533(a)(1)(D) of the Endangered Species Act (United States Congress,