Persuasive Essay On Gun Control

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Shooting’s have been a part of our history for a long time now and something should have been done about it long before now. Gun Control has been a heated topic for a long time and not much has been done about it. There was talk, for a while, about making significant changes about gun violence and laws against it, stronger background checks and banning military weapons, but nothing has changed. And nothing is going to change if we don’t do anything about it. There have been rallies, there have been walkouts, there have been so many issues and tragedies that relate to gun violence. We need to say to the government, “Hey this has been going on for far too long and the time for change is now.” When are the lies that tell us the government is actually going to do make a difference about guns and their violent owners going to stop. …show more content…

Forty-Two out our Fifty states have adopted this law. The only Eight states that didn’t adopt this law have seen gun violence drop significantly. If the Forty-Two states figure out that gun violence have dropped in the other states that didn’t take the “Right- To - Carry” law they should contemplate abolishing the law. It could decrease the amount of gun violence they have in their state. Guns are not that hard to buy in America, basically if you haven't committed a crime in past years you can purchase a gun. For example, “ The required information is your name, address, place of birth, race and citizenship and your social security number is optional.” That is all they require for a person purchase a weapon that can kill a