
Persuasive Essay On Guns In America

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America is the land of the free. Everyone knows this, but it’s almost like we have too much freedom in a way. In the Second Amendment, it says, “A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.” This is where America’s gun issue comes in. Because of this amendment, many people think we should be able to have any gun that we want without any precautions. I believe that America should have stricter gun laws because many states have loose rulings on guns, there have been many school shootings, and we have the highest mass shooting rate. By loose rulings on guns, I don’t just mean that there are a few places that don’t have strict rules. I mean that there are a majority of states in the US that don’t regulate how guns should be handled. For …show more content…

Indiana isn’t the only state with loose rulings. Alaska is a state that doesn’t require you to have a permit, purchase permit, or registration of the firearm to own handguns or long guns. Open carry is completely allowed with no permit required, and there are no background checks required for private gun sales. Other states that have close to the same rulings as Indiana and Alaska include Arkansas, Wyoming, and Mississippi. Though some people would say that this is fine, I would have to disagree. According to

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