Persuasive Essay On Hillary 2016

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The 2016 political race has been an especially interesting one. Both party’s candidates have encountered problems with agitating it’s voters.
Donald Trump, the Republican candidate has an estimated fifteen million registered Republicans not voting for him in November, according to the Washington Post. This includes many well respected GOP affiliates like John McCain, Carly Fiorina, and Mitt Romney.
On the other hand, the Democratic Party has more assuring statistics, with their ‘mainstream’ candidate, Hillary Clinton. Clinton has received very little opposition from her own party, but still has potential voters going against her.
A movement among Bernie Sanders fans called ‘Bernie or Bust’ prompts voters to write in Bernie’s name on the …show more content…

At this point in the race, there is no other option.
Many continue to hold on to the belief that writing in or voting third party will end successfully. The inevitable truth is it will come down to Clinton and Trump… and be a close one. Every vote that goes to a third party or an unregister candidate will add to the voting gap between them.
Jill Stein, the presidential candidate of the green party has taken in many lone Bernie Sanders fans after the Democratic National Convention announced Clinton’s nomination in late July. It’s understandable, since the two hold similar views, and both address commencing the political revolution.
Even Stein is persuading her followers to vote for Clinton, saying now is the time for “patience.” She urges voters that electing Donald Trump will stop the revolution dead it’s tracks. She is optimistic that the political uprising that Sanders started will relentlessly continue over the span of Clinton’s term (assuming she’ll win,) and affect the DNC in the next election.
Not only Jill Stein opposes the Bernie or Bust movement, but so does Bernie Sanders himself. In the past month since the convention, Sanders has come out as a public promoter for Clinton and her