My Favourite Holiday Destination Essay

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Recommended places you should visit while you are on a car holiday
There Is nothing like it. You and the open road. Going on a car holiday is one of the wonders of visiting another part of the world. There is so much to see and do that you miss if you travel exclusively by air or train. Getting out on the road with your partner, a friend or your family is a holiday that you will never forget. People forget just how adventurous it is to get out on the road somewhere unfamiliar. It connects you to the scenery and the local way of life. Too much of the modern holiday is packaged and sanitised for our own taste. We don’t travel across the world to do the same things as we can get up to at home. Try these fantastic places to visit when on a car holiday and you will be itching for the next opportunity –
The Italian Lakes
You will find the Lakes in the North of Italy and the scenery is amazing. This area has long been associated with the rich and famous, but you can have your own piece of the high life when you hit the road here. The lakes are the purest blue and …show more content…

The California coast is often overlooked when people think about the state. The bright lights of LA, the laid-back vibe of San Francisco and the theme parks often take front stage. But the beauty of nature along the Big Sur is something that every traveller should experience. Where the coast moves in and out from the erosion of the sea, the road follows. What you end up with is a winding road that takes in the Pacific Coast and shows off the natural beauty of the state. There is so much to see and do here. Monterey is the spiritual starting point of the Big Sur and is linked with the works of John Steinbeck. From there you take in Carmel, forever associated with their former mayor Clint Eastwood. Follow the road all the way down the coast, taking in natural parks, rugged beaches and wildlife. If you visit the states then you must take in the Big

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