Persuasive Essay On Identity Theft

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With modern technology, anyone can log on to a computer and find at least one thing about a complete stranger. Anything you post online can be visible. There are some websites that even give out your address. There is not enough privacy on the internet. Our privacy is something we need to protect and treasure. In some instances, predators pretend to be someone who they aren't to trick men and women. If you give too much information on yourself online you could experience an identity theft. This is why we need to protect ourselves.
Never trust anyone you meet online because, they may not be who they say they are. Internet dating is a very risky thing to do that can lead to many different scenarios. has a awesome story that we can learn a lot from. Jemma met this person online who seemed very nice and so she arranged a date. Things are going great so they arranged a second date, but she was worried about the dangers so she asked whether he was convicted of a criminal offense he said "only for jaywalking". She decided to trust him …show more content…

Once you send something it's out of your control. If someone were to get a hold of your information it can lead to an identity theft. As reported by , “Identity theft is serious business; in fact, it’s a federal crime. Results of the Federal Trade Commission’s 2006 Identity Theft Survey estimate that consumers lost over $1.1 billion dollars in 2006 due to identity theft.”. To lower your chances of identity theft, you have to protect your personal information online. When you experience an identity it can take months to years to repair the damage that has been done. In some cases people have been arrested for crimes they didn't even commit. This shows that there isn't enough privacy online, by reason of if there was more privacy people wouldn't be getting their identity