Persuasive Essay On Illegal Immigration

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“Let me get something straight here for those illegal aliens that might be watching the program. You have human rights. You do not have legal rights.” Expressed the conservative Commander, Glenn Beck back in 2007 (Green, 2017). The statement above reflects the common assertion within the United States claiming that whoever is in the country illegally has no constitutional right. Illegal immigration has been a menace in the United States, with many immigrants coming from war-torn Syria, South Sudan, and Iraq among others. The United Nations guarantees protection to any persons who seek refuge because the home country is at war. America has far many undocumented residents, whose presence causes both security fears and confusions in job industries. The determination of whether it is appropriate to guarantee the illegal immigrants the constitutional right or not should take into consideration the history of the immigrants and the factors behind the immigration. Some immigrants come into the United States …show more content…

Many states have been enacting unconstitutional policies that deal with illegal aliens. Since the early 19th century, the states have been citing this part of the law as the main basis of enacting such legislation. There has been an exclusion of aliens from various opportunities for flimsy reasons or no reason whatsoever. For as long as the constitution protects the basic rights, no state shall challenge them on the basis of ‘plenary power.’ The era around 19th century was marred with xenophobia and racial discrimination. These laws emanated from the events that were discriminatory in nature and that disregarded the rights of some particular races. The denial of illegal aliens their constitutional right may only mean that the states are inclined to promote the racial discriminations that were witnessed during this