
Persuasive Essay On Illegal Immigration

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Immigration is a major issue in the United States, from deportation affecting and separating families to drug trafficking is a huge issue. There were 11 million illegal immigrants in the U.S. in 2015. Children of illegal immigrants represent a rising share in K-12. USA Today reported that at least 65,000 illegal immigrants graduate high school each year. However, fewer than 10,000 go on to college each year and graduate. Which could be because of many factors, from not being able to pay for it to not being motivated or even them thinking that since they’re not documented, they can’t attend.
The Week reported that, in June 2012, Barack Obama passed the DACA Program, Deferred Action for Childhood Arrival, as an Executive Order. DACA is an immigration program that allowed those who emigrated to the country as minors, or entered the country or remained illegally, could receive a waiver from deportation for a renewable 2-year period, so they can be eligible for a work permit. Congress and the President at the time, Barack Obama could not agree on the Dreamers Act, which is originally what Obama wanted to be passed. An Executive Order is an implied power granted to the President, which is where if a President wants a law or act passed and Congress isn’t ratifying it, …show more content…

He got tired of negotiating with Congress on the Dreamers ACT and decided to exercise one of his implied powers. He saw a problem with immigration reform and he decided to do something about it. His resolution for the immigration problem was realistic and sincere. Unlike most Immigration Policies, where they just choose to completely cut them off from having a chance in America. Barack Obama didn’t care about the political outrage he was going to receive over the DACA program, he was focused on doing something right that could not only benefit those who came over here for better opportunities but also could benefit the

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