Overpopulation Elimination

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Did you know that being immortal isn’t actually as fun as it sounds and could endanger our planet by overpopulating it? Well now you do, overpopulation is an extremely dangerous problem that can affect future generations greatly. One of them obviously being running out of space. Reproducing and death are both the biggest factors of the human cycle, immortality would become a difficult challenge to overcome because it would interfere with the life cycle. We should not live forever because we would crowd our environment and it would be very costly.

First of all, living forever would decrease space and keep us from our number one necessity, water. Immortality sounds like a dream come true until you think of all the problems it comes along with. Think about it, more people means more space, and we’d have …show more content…

For example, rainforests originally covered 14% of the entire earth’s surface. Today, rainforest only cover about 6% of the earth’s surface and scientists’ project it may even become less in the next four decades” This text evidence proves that overpopulation can cause us to lose more of the landscapes that already have low percentages of space. This could also affect extinction of animals because they wouldn’t have much territory to cover and that could alter their reproduction cycle. The extinction of animals can also damage our cycle, considering that we need protein and most protein comes from animals such as cows, chicken, pigs, and fish. In addition, humans also need to drink around eight 8-ounce glasses of water a day. Water makes up 60% of our body weight and not getting enough can cause high risks of death or illnesses. To survive, we would all have to create new lifestyles to not take advantage of the all already limited water resources. According to the text found in an article named Poverty and Water, it states, “Nearly one billion people do not have access to clean, safe water - that 's the