Persuasive Essay On Legalizing Marijuana

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MEDICAL MARIJUANA As everyone knows, the issue of legalizing medical marijuana in the United States is a huge topic for debate. The amount of people in support are evenly matched with people who refuse to learn of the plants’ medical abilities. So many people think this plant is just another drug to be used and abused with extreme negative effects on the user, but it has been proven that marijuana doesn’t have effects on the body that should cause any worry. Compared to drugs such as cocaine, heroin, meth, and ecstasy, medical marijuana is child’s play. This “drug” is a natural growing plant found in the wild unlike other drugs that are made from chemicals in an underground lab. Along with its’ medical capability, medical marijuana could …show more content…

Growers have the ability to grow plants that help different disorders. They have the power to control if the plant gives a head, or body high with how much THC the plant produces, and can cross breed plants to make a super medicine. Also, they have the power to change the way we ingest marijuana. People may be against smoking marijuana but there are other ways of getting it into our bodies. Technology has allowed us to turn marijuana into vapors, edibles, waxes, oils, pastes, pills, and even skin applications similar to lotion. Troy Dayton, CEO of a private marijuana investment and market research firm in Colorado says, “I think that the future is not going to be smoking of cannabis. It is going to be all the other things. So there is a huge, huge boom in alternative forms of ingestion” (Watson, 2014 p. 1). The fact that we can use it without inhaling it into our lungs puts all the negative effects to rest. Instead of small children having to smoke marijuana, they could have a piece of candy when it is time to take their medicine. Adults could make a batch of brownies or cookies instead of taking their addictive prescription pills. Elderly people could rub a cannabis lotion onto the spots that are effected with arthritis, and within a few minutes be pain free. If this isn’t exciting and mind blowing then something is wrong. Imagine not going to a pharmacy and waiting for a prescription to be