Persuasive Essay On Martha

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Martha is getting bullied on social media by people she calls her “friends”. Even though I do not know Martha, I would definitely make an attempt to do something about the situation. If something isn’t done about what is happening, then Martha could end up getting physically harmed or be continually hurt and judged throughout her school years. It doesn’t matter what you look like, how you talk, what you wear, or anything; we are all equal and deserve to be treated right. So, I would tell an adult because what these kids are doing is bullying, and Martha could be injured.
A reason this situation should be brought to an adult is because these kids are cyber bullying Martha. Bullying isn’t something to play around about, it is a serious matter. For example, some kids who are bullied experience depression, anxiety, loneliness, and sadness. It is truly unacceptable for a child, teen, or anyone to have to endure being bullied or experience any of these symptoms. Nobody should be talked about, judged, etc. for how they are. Everyone is made the way they are for a reason, and we should all respect that. In this …show more content…

I know most of the time it doesn’t go as far as a child harming another child, but it could happen. Although, it is usually easier for someone to say something behind a computer screen than to someone’s face. Martha could be actually be in danger of getting physically injured by another child. However, I believe that Martha could also be in danger of actually hurting herself. Sometimes when children are constantly talked about, or bullied they begin to think they will never live it down or get past it. So, some children decide to take their own life. In this situation, Martha could be led to make that choice. Therefor, I would let an adult know because the last thing anyone wants to see if a child taking their own life, or getting physically injured by another