Bullying And Its Effects On Children: Article Analysis

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One of the articles I read was about bullying and the effects it have on children. The article talked about the long term affect that bullying have on children such as mental health problems and behavioral problems. I think it sad that children seek attention so they bully other children and it leads to the bullied child having mental and behavioral problems later on down the line in life. It also stated that a young girl getting bullied can be as traumatizing as her being physically or sexually abused and can follow her all the way into adulthood. That is extremely sad and bothersome to me and makes me want to sit down with my niece, nephews and little cousins and explain to them how serious bullying is and let them know that they shouldn’t bully others or allow others to bully them or anyone else, it just isn’t …show more content…

The article talked about how 20 percent of kids in high school said they were bullied with in the last 12 months leading up to taking the survey. So now it’s a possibility that the 20 percent of high schooler will now have a mental or behavioral problem, not to mention the psychological problem that the bully has. The article also talks about bullying via the internet. It talks about kids being bullied for their sexuality which I think foolish, you mean to me you are bullying another because of who they choose to be with. It saddens me that people are so judgmental of others, allow everyone to love freely. Who cares is they love differently than you. The article also states that bully undermines psychological functioning in children who are tormented and it causes low self-esteem. It also talks about what the APA is doing to help fix the problem, which I think is really amazing. The APA offer many resources such as bullying prevention strategies also LGBT youth resources. The APA and its many recourses seem to be a big help in the fight against