
Persuasive Essay On Mentally Ill

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There is a very common misconception about the nature of mentally ill persons. A majority of the general population assume that the insane are violent people. However, it has been proven that “Most individuals with psychiatric disorders are not violent. Although a subset of people with psychiatric disorders commit assaults and violent crimes, findings have been inconsistent about how much mental illness contributes to this behavior...” (“Mental illness and violence.”). There are always going to be violent, malicious people in this world, and illegal acts will always occur. However, there is no evidence to prove that mentally ill persons make up this population of criminals more than the average person does. Actually, there have been studies …show more content…

A number of people are against mental hospitals because of the possibility of wrongful institutionalizations for the mentally sane. There are a few cases in which people without mentally incapacitating illnesses have tried to claim insanity as a way to get out of their prison sentences. One such case being the infamous trail of serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer. Dahmer was a prolific killer who raped, killed, and dismembered seventeen men and boys from the late 1970s to early 1990s. In his testimony, his lawyer tried to sway the jury and medical board to believe that he was mentally insane when he commit his crimes. His efforts were in vain, for he was deemed sane and sentenced to life in prison (Yoong). Some people are worried that some dangerous criminals, like Dahmer, could be given the easy way out by being sent to a mental hospital without an actual mental illness. This is why there is a qualified board of doctors and profilers who evaluate criminal health and actions while on trial. Only those who have committed crimes unwillingly, unknowingly, under the influence of a mental illness, and with remorse can be sent to a mental

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