Persuasive Essay On Minimum Wage

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Minimum wage is the lowest wage permitted by law. Minimum wage is a hot topic today. Wages are the prices you can charge for your labor and that is based on your productivity and the competition you have faced and worked for. If you have a highly specialized skill, then you can charge a lot for your time. If you try to overcharge for your labor, then you wont get hired. In 1938, President Franklin Roosevelt brought forward the first minimum wage rate with the Fair Labor Standards Act at twenty-five cents. While the raises in minimum wage were usually done in the interest of employees, minimum wage has had a huge impact on the economy. To this day, it has been updated several times to account for inflation. In the 1930s, the wage was around thirty cents. In the 1940s, it raised about ten percent to forty cents. In the 1950s, the wage rose to one dollar. In the 1960s the wage was one dollar and thirty cents. in the 1970s, the wage increased and was one dollar and thirty cents. Today, in the 2000s, the minimum wage has increased …show more content…

If the minimum wage was increased, all of peoples hard work would pay off. People would be able to make ends meet. People could quit their multiple jobs and spend more time with their families. When that happens, communities are improved. Raising the minimum wage means millions of extra dollars in peoples pockets. Families spend their money at big businesses which strengthens our local economy. We have seen this happening, the thirteen states that have raised their minimum wage in January have added more jobs and have lowered unemployment rate than the states that did not. Hardworking families deserve to thrive not barley survive. I think raising the minimum wage is good for families, businesses and for our community.In conclusion, increasing minimum wages has become one of the biggest debates of all time. The advantages of raising the minimum wage passes the

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