Minimum Wage Persuasive Essay

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Minimum wage is one of those things that have sparked a lot of talk in recent years. Mainly because, many Americans believe that they are underpaid. Minimum Wage is designed to make a minimum standard of living to protect the health and well-being of employees. Although they say it’s created to protect health and well-being it’s not really possible to live off of minimum wage. The cost of housing transportation food and other necessities would exceed what you would make monthly from living off minimum wage. If we’re able to raise minimum wage it could be a game changer for many people as well as our country. It would allow us to get more people off of food stamps. Food stamps are a federal nutrition program that helps people of low income families be able to stretch their food budget. On top of that it could also help bring families out of poverty. Although the increase may not be huge those $2-$4 more really come in handy when you put it in perspective of per hour. It allows for a bigger income in the long run and could ultimately lead to our citizens living better lifestyles. As we know now that there are many adults who also work minimum wage jobs as this used to be big for teenagers. Most of these adults have families and a bump in their rates could help them out tremendously. …show more content…

Some of these jobs include working in warehouses that make you sweat and lift heavy things. Not to mention those that work fast food that work to make our lives easier. You also have to put into consideration those who work in restaurants. The different attitudes they have to deal with, people always telling them what to do. Then they don’t even make minimum wage they basically live off of what they’re tips are. Our government fails to realize that some of these people have kids at home and they are working these jobs that they aren’t even to make ends meet

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