Persuasive Essay On Minimum Wage

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When a higher minimum wage is enacted the effects will be different for companies, industries and the labor market in general and we will also have different effects on the employment market. The main effect and impact will be for low paid jobs particularly in industries like food, restaurants and retail.

This topic is very controversial and has supporters and deniers on both sides of the political and the economical world. I support the increase in minimum wage and I believe it should be linked to the inflation and the living wage. At the same time, I support that each state can and should also set its state minimum wages. I will go even further and would say that each city should be able to set its minimum wage. We can analyse the economy, the minimum wage and the employment as a whole in the entire country but each market, state and city are very different when we compare the size of the population, its local economy, GDP, developed market and competition. Big cities like New York, San Francisco and Los Angeles (to name a few) have much higher living cost. The rent, housing, gas, food and everything else is more expensive compared to cities like Fort Wayne, Indiana or Des Moines, Iowa.

All those employees who work for a minimum wage will …show more content…

Again, every market is different and the economic factors are different. The rent and housing markets in New York and Los Angeles are very expensive. The demand is always high, both cities attract investors and people with very high incomes to move or buy properties and these factors contribute a lot in the rising prices. From an owner's and investor’s side these rising prices are good news and makes their income and property value grows, but for the low income renters these rising prices present a challenge and force many people to move