An Essay About Swimsuit

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Going swimsuit shopping with my grandmother always proves to show a generation gap between our ideas of modesty. When looking at the different swimsuit options available in stores, such as Target and Dillards, it is not unlikely to see my grandmother’s eyes pop out of her skull when realizing how little today’s swimsuits cover a young woman’s body. Although there are more modest swimsuits available, it is not today’s “norm” to pick out swimwear, as well as clothes in general, that present teenage girls as respectful and humble, which brings the subject of modesty into the picture. So, what is modesty? Modesty is the correct or socially acceptable way to behave and dress, according to the Cambridge dictionary. By its definition, modesty is bound to be interpreted in different ways based on culture, context, and/or a person’s religious beliefs. While the idea of modesty has changed over time, some of its …show more content…

While all Christian young women try their best to follow God’s word, it is incredibly difficult to be modest in today’s society but is definitely possible. Making the choice to wear a one piece swimsuit when all of your friends have on bikinis or deciding not to wear a low cut tank top you thought was really cute is a step in the right direction. Step back and think about what morals you have and make choices for yourself on how you want God and the people around you to see you. Modesty is not only about the way you dress, but the way you act. For a girl to present herself with modesty, it is vital to have self respect. By learning to respect yourself, a young woman can make proper choices and earn respect in return. Humility, or being humble, is another important attribute of a woman with modesty. No one likes a young woman that brags about her own accomplishments and lifestyle all of the time; however, it is good to find the right balance of humbleness and