Persuasive Essay On Mountaineering

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When one is asked to imagine a dangerous sport, he or she is likely to imagine a sport in which one can sustain major injuries. Such sports can include parachuting, bridge jumping, and, most importantly, mountaineering. Mountaineering is a sport in which many players enjoy the adrenaline rush, due to its level of intensity. However, should certain benefits of the sport be a compromise for its dangers? According to considerable evidence provided, the benefits that accompany mountaineering is not a proper justification for the perils involved.
In Source Two, dubbed “Time for a Break on Everest,” the author mentions that the cost of getting a permit to climb Mount Everest is $10,000. A common question that may arise upon hearing this is why would one pay such a grand sum of money for a mountain climb that could potentially lead to a death? The cost of the permit is simply much too costly for an average person to afford. Such amounts require loans that are taken out of banks or other loan lender companies (Source Two). As mentioned before, the risks are quite too daunting. A large block of ice the size of a truck fell during an avalanche (Source Two). The text further details that the avalanche “hit twenty-five men” (Source Two). Of the men, sixteen were killed, all of whom affected by the avalanche were Nepalis. Even if one does successfully make it up the slope, the view is no longer appealing to many, due to the large clusters of other mountaineers already up the peak.