Argumentative Essay: The Effects Of Nuclear War

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Many people think of nuclear war as something that will never happen to us or simply dismiss the war threats that are given to us as jokes. That couldn’t be further from the truth. The threat is very real. Not only are those threats serious, but they hold a horrible promise for the future. Nuclear weapons have been used on multiple occasions, and in many cases, they’ve been tested on our own land, and by our own men. Though these “nukes” come in a variety of strengths and sizes, they are all designed with only one purpose in mind; destroy. Aside from being built to kill people, the danger continues even after the explosion has passed. These volatile weapons have a large number of other effects and they are terrifying. Nuclear weapons are nothing to be laughed at or joked about. It is important to understand the devastation these weapons hold. But first, let’s get …show more content…

While many bombs are built solely for destroying cities, that isn’t always the case. Some bombs, called dirty bombs, are built to have a less powerful explosion, but also to contain more radiation and cause a nuclear fallout, which is nuclear radiation falling from the sky, and it can stay in the air for years. These dirty bombs are often considered to be terrorist weapons. However, they are never used in combat because the explosions aren’t powerful enough. Nuclear radiation can also cause burns that vary in severity, but are generally worse if the explosion is more powerful. These can fall into one of three categories, depending on the severity and symptoms, according to WebMD. First degree burns are the mildest, only causing reddening and pain in the outer layer of skin. Second degree burns are a bit worse, causing both those symptoms, as well as causing swelling and blisters in the first few skin layers. Third degree burns are the most severe, with either black or white charring and numbness in all layers of skin and deeper