Persuasive Essay On Oil Spill

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“In the BP Oil Spill, more than 200 million gallons of crude oil was pumped into the Gulf of Mexico for a total of 87 days, making it the biggest oil spill in U.S. history.” BP has killed thousands of marine wildlife do to the oil spill. “These guys here certainly will survive for a while. But the ones that can 't swim as fast, they 're called prey.” - Stanley D. Rice, U.S. witness. Biological diversity has estimated that the oil spill has killed around 82,000 birds, 6,165 sea turtles, and at least 25,900 marine mammals. These staggering numbers just keep on climbing. We as a country and as a global society need to make sure, that disasters like this will never happen again or if they do happen. They will be a very mild impact on your world.
Dispersants are a special type of chemical that when you drop in the water contaminated with oil it will break apart the oil into small little droplets. The droplets will take some time, but over a course of several years, the droplets will naturally dissolve into the water. Dispersants are a great way to clean up an oil spill, but we also need to make sure that spills will not happen again. One of the ways to prevent spills is too use government regulations. After the Deepwater Horizon explosion, the United States Government made PB pay $4.5 billion in a criminal settlement with the Justice Department, and an additional $14 billion for cleanup. The United States Government did a good job in making B.P pay for their mistakes, but the

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