Maternity Leave Proposal

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The government is considering a draft amendment bill floated by the ministry of women and child development. This bill proposes to amend and insert new provisions to the Maternity Benefit Act, 1961. It has been reported that if this draft bill gets passed in its current form, expecting women employees will be able to take a longer paid maternity leave of 26 weeks, instead of current statutory provision of 12 weeks. This proposal has definitely brought cheer working women.
But all is not a smooth sail. This proposal has tackled its share of rough weather. Originally Ms. Maneka Gandhi, Minister of Women and Child Development had proposed a 28 week paid maternity leave period. The proposal went before the Labour ministry which slashed it down …show more content…

In may, Accenture announced its commitment to hiring, retaining and advancing women at every level. It realizes that extending maternity leave will help women to continue and pursue their career goals while raising a family. In such effort, Accenture has increased its maternity leave benefits to its full time and part time women employees (new or soon to be mothers) to 22 weeks of paid leave from the earlier and statutorily directed 12 weeks. In addition, Accenture will now also give an additional 4 months of paid leave to recuperate where the mother suffers from illness stemming from her pregnancy. In august intel india announced amendments in its parental leave policy. It has increased its maternity leave benefits to five months and doubled the paternity leave benefits from five working days to ten working days for fathers (making it two weeks). In addition, intel india lets its women employees returning from maternity leave, to work part-time on full pay for up to one month (30 calendar days) after they return to …show more content…

They can also request an additional 12 months of leave. An employer in Australia can enroll with a parental leave pay scheme. Under this scheme, the employer (through enrolling in a govt scheme) gives financial support to help eligible parents take time off work to care for a newborn or recently adopted child. In Australia, all types of workers- in full-time, part-time, casual, seasonal, contract and self-employed workers may be eligible. Parents who do not receive parental leave pay from their employer or who do not have an employer, receive the payments directly from the