The Importance Of Pregnancy Discrimination In The Workplace

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First I will talk about a few important facts about pregnancy discrimination in general, I believe this is of outmost importance when it comes to providing concrete information. This is also useful to keep us informed about the situation and helps us know how to behave in certain situations.
Pregnancy discrimination in the workplace occurs when an employer discriminates on the basis of pregnancy, childbirth or related conditions. Pregnancy discrimination may include denial of time off or reasonable accommodations for pregnant employees, firing or demoting a pregnant employee, forced time off or restrictions on work, and any other negative employment action taken because of an employee 's pregnancy or related medical condition. Pregnancy discrimination involves treating women (applicants or employees) unfavorably on the basis of pregnancy, childbirth, or related conditions. Pregnancy discrimination can include all of the following actions by an employer. Under the law, a pregnancy-related condition may be considered a temporary disability, this may include severe morning sickness, doctor-ordered bed rest, childbirth, recovery from childbirth, and any other medical conditions. Your employer must therefore give pregnant employees the same treatment and benefits that it gives to employees with other temporary disabilities.
An employer cannot refuse to hire you because of your pregnancy-related condition as long as you are able to perform the major functions of your job. An