
Persuasive Essay On Performance Enhancing Drugs

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Performance enhancing drugs: a topic one might imagine wouldn't be considered acceptable in sports has now become controversial. As new information and progression in sports technology releases, people feel the need for performing enhancing drugs to be acceptable in the sports world. Although there is new research and studies pertaining to performance enhancing drugs, people still should consider the lifelong health terms, having an unfair advantage, and sportsmanship. Athletes’ lives have ruined their careers from P.E.D.s. From Ryan Braun to Lance Armstrong, doping, steroids, and other drugs have ravaged popular athletes careers. Performance enhancing drugs should eliminate from sports technology because of the lifelong health effects, unfair advantages, and poor sportsmanship. …show more content…

Hormones and steroids can strengthen muscles and bones super fast, which hard working athletes can find appealing. Athletes know different ways to strengthen and improve endurance and muscles, however using performance enhancing drugs shouldn’t cause them. In people’s opinions, doping and the use of P.E.D.s are not worth the short-term effects. Athletes have been stripped from their titles and embarrassed in front of their fans. However, athletes and sports stars are willing to do whatever it takes for a leg-up in competition. Eating right, vigorous intensity training and different methods, considered by every athlete in the world, can make the athlete stronger and more powerful. Parents enter their kids into sports to learn and to know other kids. It starts as a kid, shaking everyone’s hand after the game, but as we grow older, it all changes. Sports become a lifestyle and as more pressure builds, most athletes fight for the number one spot. The World Anti-Doping Agency says,

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