
Persuasive Essay On Physician Assisted Suicide

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Is suicide every okay? Most would say definitely not. But if a person has been diagnosed with terminal brain cancer and the only few months of life left that they have will be filled with hospital visits, medications and treatments that only bring more pain? If that person was able to die at home peacefully going to sleep in their own bed with their family, friends and loved ones by their side would that still be viewed as wrong or immoral? This type of suicide or Physician Assisted Suicide is a highly controversial issue in the United States. It’s a blend of legal, ethical, religious, and personal lines that become blurred. Does each state, the government, a religion or an individual determine how and when they want to die?

It seems this dilemma is more of a legal, ethical and religious issue. With so many advances made in the world of medicine this issue seems to be much less mysterious and taboo of a subject now than years ago. Our understanding and knowledge of life and death is greater than ever now thanks to science. However at the heart of this issue there still lies a huge emotional and religious debate on Death by Dignity with many religions. Christianity in general including Anglican, Catholic, Baptist, Evangelical, Eastern Orthodox and many others strongly disagree that an individual should be able to take their own lives no matter what …show more content…

The Brittany Maynard fund was formed and it’s now a website HYPERLINK "http://thebrittanyfund.org/about/" http://thebrittanyfund.org/about/. It’s a place where families, friends and supporters can go to make donations and find peace and support. She wanted to help individuals to be able to have the choice to die on their own terms, to make their own choices for their own sake and well-being regardless of legal or religious

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