Persuasive Essay On Pro Euthanasia

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A survey was recently conducted in England regarding euthanasia. An estimate of 4,500 religious people were polled and the results were overwhelmingly in favor of euthanasia. The reason for this being surprising is because religious people tend to believe that letting a doctor or themselves choose whether or not they should die is an act of playing God and that no one should be able to take that role. Out of the 4,500 people, 82 percent reported that they believe “An individual has the right to choose when and how to die”. There are reasons as to why being pro euthanasia and assisted suicide could bring benefits. The first and most obvious pro euthanasia argument is that why should a terminally ill patient have to go through all the pain and suffering when there is a painless way to end life. A terminally ill patient is one that is close to having their last breath. They are in …show more content…

They should be allowed to end their life early if it means not having to endure the extra few days of pain and agony. Another reason as to why euthanasia should be legalized is because it makes economic sense. End of life care is extremely expensive and not worth the money in most cases. The families that have to pay for the medical bills of someone who is undergoing end of life treatment end up going through crippling debt just to have their loved ones live a few more days. According to CNN, the estimated value of end of life care is 39,000 dollars and for 40 percent of families in America, this is over their financial budget. A third important reason is that denying someone the right to die, only gives terrible alternatives. A patient who is dying tends to be dying in a slow and a painful way. For example, a man by the name of Tony Nicklinson was refused the right to die by the British High Court. He suffered from “locked in syndrome” and decided that if he wasn’t