Persuasive Essay On Refugees Crisis

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September 2, 2015, is when the Western World had its eyes opened. A picture of a three year old Alan Kurdi washed up on Turkish shores trying to escape the terror that he and his family were facing in his home country of Syria was shown on every news outlet. This picture brought awareness to the ongoing Refugee crisis in the European Union. Many mistake migrants and refugees, this has lead to confusion among countries that are involved in assuring refugee assistance. Migrants are people who leave a country for a better education and prosperous opportunities that they cannot find in their home country. If they arrive illegally and are caught they are returned to their country of origin. Refugees are people who leave their home because of religious, …show more content…

This proposal is what every country in the UE and Middle East that is taking in refugees needs to consider. The proposal calls for an increase in federal officers as well as spreading communication across Europe to help fight extremist groups, these are just small efforts to try and combat the bigger issues at hand. The statistics that are shown on the news or in articles feel cold and distant because we do not see the horror in real time, it does not seem real to us when we read that the United States has only pledged to take in 10,000 refugees compared to Jordan’s pledge a small country in the Middle East of 600,000 refugees making is population twenty five percent refugees shows that there is little support for the crisis in the Western World. Many believe this crisis to just regional but that is not the case. It has had an effect on everyone from civilians in the United States to people in the Mediterranean. It has aided the spread of ISIS and caused millions of deaths. The UN has put much effort into trying to trying to tame the problem as much as they can. They have put international laws in place to stop attacks, enforcing more control in Europe and the Middle East, and trying to impose quote systems but politically frowned upon. They have had great difficulty to enforce these tactics with underfunding and barely any help from politician and people with great influence their efforts have had a minimal impact. Until there is a let up in terror and legal opportunities become available to refugees then the crisis will

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