Persuasive Essay On Right To Die

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Right to Die.
There is nothing more difficult than trying to define the right to take a life or rather euthanasia. But what is more important is that nobody has the right to deprive anyone of it.
Tom Coburn, MD, US Senator (R-OK), in the Oct. 27, 1999 consideration of House Resolution 2260, Pain Relief Promotion Act of 1999 (which passed the House but died in the Senate), available at, stated that The Declaration of Independence states that people have the right to go in search of happiness and happiness is composed of freedom and life, there’s nothing opposed to this statement. Also adds that doctors do not have the authority to decide who has the right to live or not.
But there are also other opinions or criteria that are opposed to this same controversy. …show more content…

There are already authorized to permit people to choose the way and when they want to die if the patient no longer tolerate the pain and suffering because of a terminal illness procedures. At the present time it is legal in four states as Vermont, Montana, Washington and Oregon. For example the state of Oregon has a law in the 1990s that allow chemicals prescriptions from the doctors to be given to the patient to avoid suffering and pain, it is a simple process that consist, if the patient has the right qualifications, the Doctors writes a prescription for the patient to ending its life and the patient is the one that decide it when to take the chemicals prescription. In 2009 Washington applied the same law and in 2013 the law was effected in Vermont too. In Amsterdam the patients can ask for euthanasia, if meets the requirements, the doctor gives to the patient a mortal injection that can cause