Persuasive Essay On School Shootings

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The tragic events from the Parkland shootings have shaken many of thousands children from around the world. The students and the parents should protest against their government officials after this tragic event. We have remained quite against gun violence for too long we should stand up against what we have considered the norm now. We won’t let the deaths of the students be done for nothing. We will raise awareness about gun violence in schools.

This quote from the article; “I’ve been told these protocols for years,” she said. “My sister is in middle school—she’s 12—and in elementary school, she had to do code red drills.”” Having either your sister, brother or any family member go through drills for school shooting shouldn't be a concerned for these students. The only thing they have to concerned about is school and …show more content…

This shouldn’t be normal for children especially children from 5-12. Which can be backed up by the quote, “No matter how rare school shootings are for the majority of students around the country, they have grown up in a world so attuned to these threats that high schoolers are now more conversant in the language of lockdown and code red drills than their parents.” It also questions how much adults and school shootings are getting children ready for the worst case scenarios.

Whether its students or parents, no one can remain silent anymore about school shootings. From personal experience with not being in a school shooting but being the student that just hears about it happening. We’re not creating an impact big enough to stop these school shootings.But now that students are no longer remaining silent we are creating a new opening where the next generation will become gun and school shooting free. Which brings me back to my claim that schools and students should protest their government officials after a tragic