Persuasive Essay On Social Media Pros And Cons

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"In this generation, the Internet is a huge part of the majority of people throughout the world. However, one platform of the internet that the more younger age group is attracted to is social media. Whenever you go to the mall, or even just eating lunch at school, it would be very likely for an average student to spot somebody on their phones scrolling through Instagram, or sending streaks on Snapchat. However, if anybody were to be in a student’s shoes, how would it feel for the government or the school to be scrolling through your Instagram, checking what you commented on your friend’s recent posts, or even checking what you liked four hours ago? You would probably feel like your personal privacy was invaded, and felt burglarized of your own personal information. Is the government or schools checking your social media platforms a violation of a right, or do they just want to check if you are promoting cyber-bullying? I believe that the schools and the government cannot check your social media in any sort of form. Social media has many benefits, and a fair share of disadvantages as well. From personal experience, social media promotes procrastination with your school studies and ironically “disconnects” you with your friends and especially your family. However, some …show more content…

For example, President Trump once tweeted, “‘Truly weird senator Rand Paul of Kentucky reminds me of a spoiled brat without a properly functioning brain. He was terrible at DEBATE!’” quoted from Forbes. In this case, there should be regulation that prohibits President Trump to tweet out messages that promote cyberbullying. This is not the violating of the fourth amendment, since he tweets it out to the whole world, and the fourth amendment only protects you when they are searching your private/personal