Persuasive Essay On Steroids

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While it benefits athletes on getting where they want to be quick and can sustain that for a period of time, PED harm the athlete physical strength because affects it has on young athletes, Health struggle while taking PED and even after they're finished taking them, and affect pro athletes have on taking PED. Performance enhancing drugs in sports actually hurt the athlete more than help them in the long run. When athletes took PED at the time it makes them stronger and faster, but the effects after stop taking the drugs affects you more than while taking the drugs. Once an athlete decides to quit taking PED will see their strength decrease after a month or so they continue to see the decrease in strength until it was before they were taking the drugs. If people do not prepare themselves to get off steroids with a plan, then it could cause them to have a dramatic gain lose after ending their steroid cycle. One of the many reasons that gains from PED can cause you to lose your gain because they are not in use anymore. Another effect while taking these drugs can have on muscle cells to deplete and lose more strength than actually …show more content…

PED does not have the same effects as other big time drugs. These drugs can be as harmful as other drugs but it can still be very harmful to these people and their bodies. One of the biggest issues with taking steroids is that it can cause blood clots, which can lead to heart attacks and then to even seizures. The effects that these drugs can have on someone’s body is dangerous and at the moment when people are taking them it might see some progress at the beginning but as time continues, it can cause more issues. This should be one of many reasons why athletes should never have to consider PED to have success in sports. With it cause many different kinds of issue athletes should stay away from these kind of