
Persuasive Essay On Steroids In Sports

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athletes that are juicing are too numerous to record. 77.4% (about every 3 out of 4) of males say that professionals who use performance enhancing drugs put even more pressure on today’s youth to use those exact drugs (found https://www.nfhs.org). All of the effects listed previously would ultimately have a greater effect on the youth, because their bodies are maturing. Taking anabolic steroids when one is on the professional level can lead to the use in the younger generation. Using steroids in sports and competitions is often viewed as a form of cheating. The action leads to not only a disrespect for the game, but also a disrespect for the players. There’s a difference between natural and artificial talent, and when an athlete can cheat …show more content…

Professional sports leagues have constructed up a series of laws and punishments to help the cause of steroid prevention. In the National Football League, punishing a steroid using player can range from a four game suspension, to a whole season’s worth. In the Major Leagues for baseball, steroid usage can land these athletes an eighty game sentence for their first offense, an entire season’s worth for their second offense, and finally a lifetime ban from the organization for their third time. Not to mention, players from all around are required to pay fines that reach a monetary value of several of hundreds of thousands of dollars. With these threatening actions, it can easily influence players to stray away from the illegal substance. With these laws, if players continued to use steroids, soon enough the leagues will be suspending every player. This will cause a revolt on the commissioners, as well as taking marquee players out of the game. The game would soon fall, as it would appear boring and unentertaining. Players should just abide by the rules and stop taking the devilish juice to preserve their

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