Persuasive Essay On Success In College

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“You’ve got a lot of street smarts, kid, but you need a college degree to succeed in business.” How many times have you been told this by prospective employers who shut the door in your face after learning you never attended, or didn’t fnish college? The stigma of lacking a college diploma could have dashed your dreams for a successful career—sending them straight out the door and into the trash bin. But wait, you’re intelligent, highly motivated, and you like to take risks! It’s not that college didn’t cross your mind; perhaps you didn’t have the funds, or maybe you just didn’t want to put your ideas on hold while you were sitting in a stuffy classroom for four years. So why should you be penalized? While it is true there are times when a college degree gets you in the door and pushes you up the ladder more quickly, there’s a lot more to be said for self-motivation. Take Bill Gates, Richard Branson, and Ted Turner—all were college dropouts. So eager was Peter Jennings to jumpstart his career that he dropped out of preparatory school and headed straight for the news desk. And, world-renowned poet Maya Angelou didn’t fnish high school. People who achieve success without a college degree have many traits in common: the will to succeed and the tenacity and confdence to do what …show more content…

On a recent show, Donald Trump said to the candidates, “Anyone can be successful in business—it’s not whether or not you have “book smarts” or “street smarts,” you just have to be smart!” As of this writing, there are only two candidates remaining: “street smarts” candidate, Tana Goertz, a 37-­year-­ old Sales Executive from Des Moines, Iowa, and “book smarts” candidate, Kendra Todd, a 26-­year-­old real estate entrepreneur from Boynton Beach,