
Persuasive Essay On Syrian Refugees

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Did you know that in 2017 hundreds of refugees were refused access to U.S and were left to die? These were whole families, children that we basically murdered. Many believe that refugees are terrorists and that the syrian ones will destroy our society. These people don’t take into account that the real terrorists are too busy actually terrorising entire populations into submission. The organization World Relief has been operating for over 40 years and has not had any incidents. If an organization can go that long without any incidents then surely the U.S can be a little more trusting
People believe that letting in refugees is one the worst things that the government can do for the country. They think that letting them is basically destroying our …show more content…

They think they’re terrorists. These people don’t take into account the countries that these people live in are uninhabitable. According to Jasmin El-Gamal the president should, “rethink his “ISIS-first” policy in Syria, and recognize that the refugee crisis is an unavoidable result of Assad’s war against the Syrian people. If the past is any indication, absent a decision to force Assad from power, preferably through a political process, the Syrian dictator will continue to utilize all conventional methods of attack to terrorize the Syrian population into submission.”(El-Gamal 1). El-Gamal says this because she is trying to show why there are so many refugees, why we can trust them, and why it’s safe. If Assad is waging war against Syria wouldn’t make sense for actual refugees to try and leave and find a country that has livable conditions? Everyone is so blinded by hate fear that they don’t realise that these are real human beings who just want a place to live and not to destroy our society. These poor people have lived through the unthinkable and we can’t even just give them a home. El-Gamal feels the same way the

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