Persuasive Essay On The Legalization Of Abortion

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Rape- related pregnancy occurs with significant frequency throughout the many years. According to the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, among adult women alone, an estimated 32,101 pregnancies result from rape each year. And out of those pregnancies, 50 percent underwent abortion.(Am J Obstet 1996) Abortion has swept a debate on whether or not it should be legalized since Roe v. Wade legalized it back in 1973. The question still lies on whether it should remain as a Fundamental Right or if it should be banned as act of committing murder. I stand with the right of “Pro-choice” because no women, whether it be child or adult, should have through go through a pregnancy from unexpected trauma such as rape or incest.

So who has abortions you may ask? Lets dive a little more deeply into the statistics. Black women are 3.6 times more likely to have an abortion than non-Hispanic white women. (CDC, 2012) A surprising 72 percent of Planned Parenthood patients have incomes that is either equal to or beneath 150 percent of the Federal Poverty Level. (Micheal Snyder, 2015) About 18 percent of yearly abortions are performed on teenagers. …show more content…

I have interviewed a few people whose answers very muched varied in the different opinions. 49 percent of the answers I recieved were no; abortion is not justifiable in cases of rape, and 51 percent were yes that they are. “Unfortunately, abortion is wrong in cases of rape because a life is still being taken unnecessarily” states Mark. He later goes on to say “It’s sad, and unspeakably hard on the mother, but it’s still wrong”. On the other hand, Jane says “To suggest that I should be forced to carry a child that I never consented to is a violation of my rights as a fully functional, intelligent human being….No one can tell me I cannot choose what to do with my own body when it does not affect them.” And the many different opinions go on and

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