Liberal Arts Colleges Advantages

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Being exposed to broad knowledge which provokes lifelong learning, students from Liberal Arts Colleges can easily change occupations later on in life after college. Michael Roth claims that although vocational education might seem more pragmatic and reasonable because it offers graduates a job which they already know how to do and guarantees them a high starting salary, it does not teach them the needed skills which apply to more than one field of work. Furthermore, focusing on only one profession does not guarantee students that their job will continue to exist in the near future (“Controversies”). According to Bernard Marr due to the technological advancement in recent years some jobs are threatened of extinction. The general belief is that this concerns only low-skilled workers. However, even graduates with a bachelor degree or master degree are prone to losing their jobs. A part of the threatened jobs include insurance brokers, people working in the marketing sphere, and even accountants …show more content…

For instance, Daniel Arndt suggests that being less likely to get employed, liberal arts graduates seem to find themselves in a difficult financial situation right after college. They cannot pay off the expensive colleges in which they studied to get a job and they cannot get a job because of the expensive college they chose. This vicious circle makes Liberal Arts Colleges seem to be too expensive for the quality of education it offers. The broad knowledge these institutions provide are only useful in terms of life, while one should have the ability to do a specific task in terms of their jobs. With the development of the Internet anyone has access to information which makes liberal arts institutions outdated. Hence, the high tuition of Liberal Arts Colleges does not correspond to the quality of education and to a lucrative career regardless of the developed personality