Persuasive Essay On Women's Sports

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“The difference between what men and women are paid for essentially the same job is referred to as the gender wage gap. In the United States, that gap is estimated to be 0.78—that is, a woman is paid 78 cents for every dollar paid to a man doing the same work.” (Berri). Women’s sports have never been on the same platform as men’s sports. Gender wage gap is an act that shows just why. As a result, women have never gotten all the perks that men’s sports attain. Multiple women’s sports athletes, and fans, have complained about the unequal pay. Day after day women athletes wake up and do what they love just like men, but still don’t receive the same amount of pay nor respect. Supporters feel it’s substandard that women still don’t even come close to acquire the same pay as men. However, others believe women’s sports aren’t as real as …show more content…

People are finally realizing women can earn the same amount of money that men athletes do, and the people are responding. Women’s sports have a great support team behind them. People are willing to take the time and watch them play. Women’s sports teams and athletes are becoming more and more sponsored. Women, athletes individually are also more looked upon, which is also a great sign. Women’s sports teams were brought to the world because women wanted to play. Women athletes know the amount of work and will you have to put into a sport. Those women knew what they were getting into when they decided to play. With that being said, women can have the same drive as men. Although people may think otherwise, women’s sports are going in the right route. The wage gap in women and men’s sports is closing. It may not be closing at a fast rate, but it is slowly decreasing. Women athletes are figures of greatness to people, and also very important beings. All things considered, women’s sports are moving in baby steps, but those steps are slowly but surely eliminating unequal