Persuasive Essay Should Be 3-4 Paragraphs

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Assignment: Convince Me

Your persuasive speech, letter, or essay should be 3–4 paragraphs. You will also submit your prewriting document.

Make sure you have included

• An attention-getting hook.
• A clearly stated claim.
• Logical reasons with supporting evidence.
• A conclusion that sums up your argument and includes a call to action.
• A tone and voice appropriate for your audience.
• A clear and purposeful pattern of organization with transitions.
• Correct spelling, grammar, and mechanics.

Review the grading rubric to make sure you are turning in your best work.

“Bullying is unwanted, aggressive behavior among school aged children that involves a real or perceived power imbalance” ( It is a very aggressive and …show more content…

Bullies often want an audience and approval. Let bullies know that you do not think being mean is cool.
Take an anti-bullying pledge. Print out our pledge to stand up against bullying. Share it with your friends, and let people know what you believe. And share our anti-bullying image External link on Facebook too.
Take action. See if you can start an anti-bullying club or prevention program at your school.
Talk to other kids. Try to learn more about where bullying happens at your school. Talk about what might help. See if you and some friends can go together to talk to an adult at school.
Talk to your teachers or principal. Let adults at school know that you care about this topic. Ask the school to host an assembly on bullying. Ask for an anonymous survey to learn how many kids are being bullied.
Talk to your parents or guardians. Your parents or guardians can ask your school to focus more on bullying. We have information for adults on the bullying page in our section for parents and caregivers.
Speak (and write) up! Write a blog, school newspaper article, or tweets to tackle bullying.
Get creative. How about starting a poster-making or rap-writing contest? Check out more cool ideas, plus tools for having a group discussion on bullying.