
Persuasive Essay: Why Cheerleading Is A Sport

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Why should cheerleading be a sport? Cheerleading is competitive, it takes endurance and strength that a lot of people don't have. Cheerleading should be considered a sport, because of the dedication and physical benefits.
One of the reasons cheerleading should be a sport is because of the dedication that they put into being a cheerleader. "Cheerleading isn't just about doing tricks and a dance/pep routine, it's about loving your school and showing that through cheerleading for them. It's a lifestyle."(Guide) You have to have dedication to be a cheerleader. You can't just go halfway, because then when you go to do a stunt people can get hurt. "When you're a cheerleader you have to practice a lot, because if you don't then you're going to be off from the rest of your group and it's going to make you all look bad." (Guide) These cheerleaders go to the gym before school and then stay late after school to practice with their team. They go through broken bones and …show more content…

"Sometimes cheerleaders don't get enough credit for how strong they have to be to hold themselves up when doing tricks and stunts like lifting someone.” (“Cheerleading Dance For Fitness | realbuzz.com”) Cheerleaders have to hold 70-100 or more pounds. Most middle, junior high, and high schoolers can't lift that much. That's impressive. "These girls also have to hold these other girls who are 70 and above pounds up for long periods of time. It's one thing to just lift them up for a second then put them back down." (“Cheerleading Dance For Fitness | realbuzz.com”) It takes a lot of muscle that these girls have. Therefore, cheerleading helps with all of these things. And these girls should get some credit for all of their dedication and the strength that they have to have to do these turns and tricks and flips. A lot of these girls don’t just practice at school and when they are with the rest of their team. They stretch and practice at home and in their free

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